How Manufacturing Company’s Website Should Look Like?

To make the site of an industrial enterprise, you need to invest a lot of time and effort into it and not only the ecommerce web development, but it is also the responsibility of the customer. It is not surprising that both parties will be interested in the results of the work yielding decent results.

For this occasion, we have prepared a material in which we describe in stages what we need to pay attention to when developing the site. Here are the minimum requirements and important trends in site building that must be taken into account.

Well-organized structure

Sites of large industrial enterprises sin with a large number of sections, subsections, tabs, and long texts. And often all this information falls out on the user right on the main page. Of course, large companies have something to say about themselves, and this is good. Is it only necessary for customers?

The lack of time and the abundance of information that spills over the user from the Internet, prompts him to act very quickly. He will read a long text only if it is REALLY valuable to him. Search for something in the wilds of office and sub-divisions; he also will not.

Don't let that scare you. Nobody liked the pop-up menus, and now they can be made quite roomy and functional. Although they must be in order.

There is one key requirement for sites with a pop-up menu- they are unacceptable for use on mobile devices. But mobile adaptation perfectly solves this problem (is it worth saying that in the mobile era, adaptation is indispensable!).

A convenient and visual catalog

When you have understood the structure of the site, it is time to take care of the catalog of goods/services. Now the tendency to bring the catalog to the main page has become more relevant. And this is reasonable, because what interests you and your clients first of all? Of course, the products you offer.

If there are few items of goods/services in the catalog, then everything is simple- bring the title, a brief description and a high-quality image (photo, illustration, layout, etc.) to the main page with the help of Web Designing Company.

Functional product page

Next, we go to the internal pages of the catalog. This is where the details are needed. Pages can be quite long if the product is complex and incomprehensible to the audience. For familiar and straightforward products - it is not necessary.

But here the basic rule is convenience. Even a long text can be divided into blocks by designing arrange visual accents in it with the help of WordPress development services.

A little trick: if there are a lot of goods and they are identical, “announce the whole list” in the side menu, or place the variations in the form of a table. This will allow the user to immediately see the differences between products and get rid of unnecessary searches and transitions.

About the company: brief and to the point

After the user finds the right product, he wants to learn more about your company: read about the working conditions offer for new customers, your experience and advantages, read reviews.

It is important not to confuse: there are advantages and reviews about your product, there is something that relates directly to the company (approach to work, attitude towards customers, service). In theory, the site should be both.
